Welcome from Dr. Tracy Kramer

There has never been a time when more working adults have been interested in furthering their education, whether to advance their careers or simply to enrich their lives. Perhaps this applies to you. As you pursue your particular vocational objectives, North Greenville University wants to help you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed.
At North Greenville University’s College of Adult Professional Studies, we offer our students a distinctively Christ-centered program that combines a grounding in biblical principles, a commitment to the knowledge and skills associated with each field of study, and an emphasis on practical application that can be fleshed out in the real world. Our gifted faculty are seasoned in their areas of expertise and are committed to providing students with the personal interaction they need to flourish throughout their program and beyond.
Based at NGU’s Brashier Campus in Greer, SC, we offer a variety of undergraduate programs in the fields of business, education, Christian ministry, psychology, criminal justice, and general studies. Our programs are offered in exclusively-online and HyFlex formats, available to students living almost anywhere. North Greenville wants to come alongside you as you fulfill your educational goals and make an impact in the vocation God has called you to and for which He is gifting you.
So let me invite you to become a part of the College of Adult Professional Studies, where you will find a spiritual, intellectual, and professional learning community that will help you to thrive personally and become a transformative leader in your career.
Tracy R. Kramer, PhD
Dean, Online Programs
T. Walter Brashier NGU-Online
North Greenville University