Message from the Dean

Do you have a passion for God’s Word? Are you inspired to love and serve people as Jesus did? Have you found meaning and purpose in the life-changing power of the Gospel? Is the Lord calling you to invest your life in others as they discover and embrace this Truth?
Since 1992, North Greenville has offered an array of challenging Bachelor of Arts degree programs to equip students for Kingdom service, beginning with the basic degree in Christian Studies and later designing specialty degrees in Youth Ministry and Intercultural Studies (missions) for those seeking more focused preparation. Additionally, to meet the needs of non-traditional students, particularly those who are not in a position to uproot their families, the College of Christian Studies has expanded its offerings to include an online Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Ministry and three graduate degrees: a Master of Arts, a Master of Divinity, and a Doctor of Ministry.
What do graduates from the College of Christian Studies do with their degrees? North Greenville University is honored to have graduates from the College of Christian Studies located throughout the world serving as pastors, youth ministers, children’s ministers, church administrators, missionaries, college and seminary professors, military and hospital chaplains, and directors of Baptist associations, as well as in many other areas of ministry. Some students even use their undergraduate degrees as “springboards” to other careers in fields such as law, journalism, and health-related vocations.
For those desiring seminary training, College of Christian Studies graduates find acceptance readily and perform with excellence in seminaries and other graduate institutions. The vast majority of these graduates are accepted into the school of their first choice. This proven record of success stems in part from a low student/faculty ratio, which allows for considerable interaction both inside and outside of the classroom, and the cultivation of close relationships where faculty members mentor students personally and professionally.
From whom do students in the College of Christian Studies learn? The Christian Studies faculty represents a community of pastor-scholars with vast experience in various aspects of ministry who are highly qualified academically, deeply committed to the holistic growth of their students, and firmly devoted to the local church. Doctrinally, the faculty grounds its understanding of faith and learning in foundational truths concerning the nature of Scripture where the Bible is valued as “a perfect treasure of divine instruction. . . . [which] has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture of error, for its matter.”
Although North Greenville University is affiliated with the South Carolina Baptist Convention, the College of Christian Studies claims graduates from various denominations such as Methodist, Assemblies of God, Church of God, Presbyterian, and Lutheran, among others.
Our hope is you will prayerfully consider joining the growing number of believers who have been trained for Kingdom work through the College of Christian Studies at North Greenville University. We would be honored for you to contact us for more information.
Walter Johnson, PhD
Dean, College of Christian Studies