International Service-Learning Trips
Learn. Serve. Engage.
Current Trips
May 14-25, 2025
Greetings from Poland – or, at least, from an NGU Prof who loves Poland!
Since 2004, Dr. David Entwistle has led numerous Service-Learning Teams to Poland. He has Polish friends and contacts with Polish churches, and he has been a visiting professor at a Polish University. We invite you to prayerfully consider an opportunity to apply to join the 2025 Poland Intercultural Service-Learning team led by Dr. Entwistle and Dr. Dobson in Poland. We will learn about culture and history while simultaneously engaging in service with local partners.
Poland is a nation that is over 1000 years old with a history rich in castles, battles, and legends. We plan to visit a dragon’s lair, a medieval castle, 800-year-old churches, and the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp. But the most wonderful thing you will see here will be the people. They are magnificent, hospitable, loving individuals. You will have the opportunity not only to learn, but to make a difference in the lives of others!
In terms of what we will be doing… well, that’s somewhat up in the air. Part of this is cultural – Poles tend not to plan much in advance. We hope to work with a Polish university and connect with Polish university students. We also hope to interact with refugees from Ukraine and other areas where people are fleeing from war, political instability, or economic deprivation. We plan to work with a church in Sosnowiec, and we have contacts with middle school and high school teachers who have invited us to help their students practice conversational English. We might also help with some home or church renovations. So, if you are good at being flexible, this may be the place for you!
Projected cost: $3,600.00*
*We will hold a fundraising workshop and much of this cost will likely be covered by student fundraising, but each student is responsible for covering any remainder that is not covered by fundraising.
If you want to support Intercultural Service-Learning Teams at North Greenville University, click here.
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