Jeffrey W. King, PhD
Assistant Professor, English864.977.2091
Unit: English, College of Humanities and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Location: Tigerville
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 (NKJV)
Teaching & Education
You will learn with me when taking courses in American Literature and Composition & Rhetoric
- BA, European Studies, Vanderbilt University
- MA, Exercise Science; English, East Tennessee State University
- PhD, English, University of Texas at Arlington
Professional Experience
My experience includes teaching Rhetoric and Composition or Literature classes as a graduate student or an adjunct instructor for eleven years before coming to North Greenville University as an Assistant Professor in 2018.
My Network
I will gladly involve you in my circle that includes relationships that were built during my time as a student. In addition to colleagues in the English departments at the University of Texas at Arlington and East Tennessee State University, I still have friendships with former Exercise Science colleagues who have since moved on to the University of Montana and Florida State University.
Also, I am a member of SkyPointe Church in Travelers Rest, SC, which is seeking to expand its ministry with volunteer opportunities and internships.
My Story
Throughout my education, I had a strong desire to pass what I had learned along to others, only I was unsure of the field of study to enter. Some time away from the immediate pressures of a college atmosphere showed me my strong interest in literature and language. I combined this interest with my desire to teach and began pursuit of my Master’s degree in English, with the intent of teaching at the collegiate level.
It was during my doctoral studies that I came to Christ and accepted Him as Savior and Lord. After coming to Christ, teaching only from a secular position without incorporating my faith into my approach to literature or argument left me unfulfilled. I knew I was not teaching as fully or deeply as I could; therefore, I began to feel my calling toward Christian colleges or universities. Looking back at God’s hand in my life, I can see how, throughout 2017 and 2018, God prepared me and my family to come to North Greenville University, where I am blessed with the opportunity to combine faith and academic excellence.
Favorite Course to Teach:
My favorite course to teach is Contemporary Southern Novels because this literature combines the Southern Gothic with social issues that the American South still faces.
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