Kyle Walden
Vice President, Campus Enhancement Serviceskyle.walden@ngu.edu
Unit: Executive Leadership Council
Location: Tigerville
Professional Experience
My experience includes landscaping, carpentry, and recent service as NGU’s Director of Transportation and Special Projects.
My Story
I have been a part of the North Greenville family for almost 20 years now. After earning my undergraduate degree, I began coaching here at NGU as the assistant coach for the Men’s Soccer team. During my coaching years I began to work with the landscaping crew at NGU. As time went, that became my primary vocation. I then transitioned into a construction/carpentry role for which I had previous experience as while working for various crews in my hometown area. I have been able to be a part of several large projects that have changed the way the campus looks, feels, and operates. Moving into management allowed me to be a part of even more here at the university that has been such a large part of my life. I am thankful for the opportunities that I have been able to be a part of and am excited for what North Greenville University is doing to create and maintain a space that allows for the growth and development of young adults to become transformational leaders for church and society.