How to Report

Report Criminal and Suspicious Activity Promptly
Help make the NGU campus safer for everyone. You are strongly encouraged to report criminal and suspicious activity to the NGU Office of Campus Safety and Security–quickly and accurately.
- Dial 911, or in the case of a non-emergency, contact Campus Security with the LiveSafe mobile app.
- Report in person at the Office of Campus Security, located at 23 Wingo Street, in the brick building behind Todd Dining Hall.
Prompt, accurate reporting helps our Campus Security team intervene in potential criminal activity. You can even make a report on someone else’s behalf. For example, if they can’t or choose not to report.
Please do not delay. If you witness suspicious or harmful activities, dial 911.

Report concerns about someone posing a threat to themselves or others.

Report Suspicious Activity
What is suspicious activity? A person acting suspiciously might:
- Try to enter a residence without the proper access card or key.
- Forcibly enter a locked vehicle or building.
- Look like they are trying to sneak into a place or a car unseen.
- Run around in a panic, screaming and seeking help.
- Carry unexpected property, such as electronics or a locked bicycle, at an unusual hour or location.
- Go door-to-door in an office building or a residential area.
- Try to open the doors of different vehicles.
- Exhibit unusual emotional or physical characteristics, such as rage or distress.
Other suspicious situations might include:
- Transactions conducted from vehicles, especially near schools or parks. You may be witnessing a drug sale or the sale of stolen property.
- One or more persons sitting in a parked car, scanning the area or acting as a lookout.
- A person (especially a child or female) being forced into a vehicle.
- Unusual noises such as gunshots, screaming, sounds of fighting, or anything suggesting foul play, danger, or illegal activity.
- Overhearing people planning a crime or talking about a crime they have committed.
Anonymous Reporting
Community members can anonymously report criminal or suspicious activity either by completing the Campus Security form or calling Campus Security during normal business hours at 864.663.0259. For emergencies, dial 911.
You may also ask an NGU Campus Security officer to file a report on the details of the incident without revealing your identity. Include details as specifically as possible.
Anonymous reports are counted and disclosed in the annual crime statistics for the University, such as The Clery Report. These reports help NGU:
- Accurately record the number of incidents involving students, employees and visitors.
- Determine patterns of criminal activity in a particular location or method or by a specific person/group.
- Alert the campus community to potential danger.
Help protect the rights and safety of everyone in the NGU community. If you witness or experience a crime or accident, call Campus Security at 864.977.7777.