Financial Aid General Policies and Disclosures

General Policies & Disclosures
All financial aid offered by NGU is governed by these policies and disclosures. In addition, your aid package may contain financial support in different forms and from different sources. Each form and source has its own rules. For example, education majors who receive a Federal Teach Grant must commit to serve (teach) after graduation.
Student Eligibility
At North Greenville University, student aid is generally awarded on the basis of financial need. Simply defined, financial need is the difference between the student’s cost of education (tuition, fees, room-board, and books) and the amount the student and family are expected to contribute toward meeting those costs.
To determine eligibility for financial aid, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required. Financial aid forms are available at the university financial aid offices and high school counseling offices.
Students who are enrolled in a degree seeking program at North Greenville University must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards in order to maintain eligibility for any form of financial aid.
Method of Distribution of Student Aid
The Executive Council of North Greenville University passed the following policy:
- Institutional aid plus all outside grants and scholarships (except for student loans) may not exceed actual school charges for tuition, room, board, fees, and books.
- The costs for university trips are the responsibility of the student.
- Rent for university apartments, car registration fees, fines, and supplies are not included.
- The Financial Planning Office shall adjust a student’s financial aid as needed to implement this policy.
- Students who receive sufficient grants and scholarships that cover the cost of education will not receive a refund unless all of the grants and scholarships are non-institutional funds, and approved by the granting agencies.
For clarification, contact the Financial Aid Office.
Special Financial Circumstance Review Process
The FAFSA includes financial information from two years ago. If your financial situation has changed significantly, you may be eligible for additional financial aid. Do any of the following circumstances apply to you?
- You lost your job or are earning less.
- Your parent(s) lost a job or have changed jobs and are earning less money, and I am considered a “dependent student” (my parent(s) information is required on the FAFSA).
- Your parents are now separated or divorced, but the FAFSA indicates “married” for your parent’s tax filing status.
- You have experienced or are currently experiencing homelessness.
- You or your family had a significant expense this year, such as a medical bill that insurance did not cover.
- You or your parents received one-time income reported on the tax return, such as Social Security payment, inheritance, IRA, or pension distribution.
- Your FAFSA includes income earned by a parent who is now deceased.
- You have had other changes to your ability to pay for college.
- If any of these circumstances apply to you, please complete the 2024-25 Special Circumstance form or contact us at to find out if you qualify for a financial aid adjustment through our special circumstances review process.
General Disclosures
- FAFSA required: A student must file a free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to receive any federal aid.
- Federal workstudy will be paid once a month.
- All other federal aid shall be disbursed once a semester.