Tuition and Fees Charts
View Tuition and Fees Charts
2024-2025 Tuition and Fees
Effective May 1, 2024.
Undergraduate, On-Campus
Tuition & Basic Costs, Per Semester 1 through 11 hours, per hour $800 12 through 19 hours (full-time) $12,800 Over 19 hours, per hour $625 Housing $2,700 Premium Housing $3,375 Single Room $4,350 Married Housing (per month) $875 Commuter Meal Plan $225 Meals (20 meals per week) $3,225 Health Services Fee $100 Total: Full-Time Commuting Student $13,125 Total: Full-Time Resident Student $18,825 *Slingshot course materials, part-time 1 through 11 hours, per hour $40 *Slingshot course materials (full-time) $400 Summer Session Tuition, per hour $525 Laboratory fee (science courses) $100 Summer Housing per week $125 *Students are automatically enrolled in the Slingshot book rental program. Slingshot consistently shops for the best prices and provides the convenience of delivering books right to the student. Learn more by visiting Slingshot Bookstore.
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Undergraduate, Online
Tuition & Fees, Per Semester Degree Program Tuition, per hour* $395 Technology Fee, Degree Programs $110 Certificate Tuition, per hour $295 Slingshot course materials, per hour $40 * Criminal Justice, per hour (first-responder rate) $250 Application for Experiential Learning (Category I only) $450 -
Graduate Tuition and Fees, By School Biomedical Science, per hour $849 Business, per hour $525 Christian Ministry, Master’s, per hour $415 Christian Ministry, Doctoral (including leveling courses), per hour $460 Education, Master’s, per hour $415 Education, Doctoral, per hour $510 Human Resource Management, Master’s, per hour $525 Music Education, per hour $415 Organizational Leadership, Master’s, per hour $525 Technology Fee, per term $110 Graduate Certificate Tuition, per hour Discounted from program rate by $100 per hour Auditing a Graduate Course, per hour $250 PA Medicine, per semester* $18,850* Slingshot course materials per hour $40 *The PA program has a different cost structure. Refer to the PA Tuition page for full details.