Growing Up Red Scholarship
Aid from the Beginning

From One Generation to the Next
The North Greenville University Office of Alumni Engagement launched the Growing Up Red Legacy program for younger generations of Trailblazers in the summer of 2008. This program allows the children of NGU Alumni, Faculty and Staff to be part of the NGU Legacy. The child will receive a scholarship certificate when they are enrolled. For newborns, a special commemorative NGU bib will accompany the certificate.
The certificate that your child will receive is a guarantee that North Greenville University will grant admission to the child and award him or her a $1,000 scholarship, applied to their first term. (Academic requirements at the time of official application must be met.)
This should be further confirmed by regular application no later than January 25 prior to the opening of the session for which he or she is to enter. North Greenville University must receive this form prior to the student’s thirteenth birthday. The $1,000 is only awarded if the student enrolls at North Greenville University. It cannot be redeemed for cash or transferred to another institution.
The program is for children and grandchildren of NGU Alumni, Faculty, Staff, and friends of the university. For more information on Growing Up Red, contact Lamont Sullivan (’13, ’98) in the Office of Alumni Engagement at 864.977.7000 or email at
It is important that you keep the Office of Alumni Engagement up-to-date in regard to your contact information so that when it comes time to award your child their scholarship, we have an accurate record. This prevents potential confusion among students who may have the same or similar names. Update your contact information if you move, if your name changes, or if the primary guardian of the child changes.