NGU Christmas Gift Guide

Sprice Creations
NGU Christmas Ornament
Sheila Price ’08 has always loved to design and create for her friends and family. She has made everything from wedding invitations and baby announcements to logos and marketing materials. She enjoys creating for others, especially her NGU family.
The Christmas Ornament can be personalized with your graduation year for an additional $2.

316 Photography LLC
Photography Sessions
Aubriana Blakeney ’12 and her husband both met as photographers and decided to start a photography business in August of 2021. They are currently renting out a photography studio in Columbia, SC.

Evan Hampton Photography
35% Off Any Wedding Package Nationwide
Evan Hampton ’07 loved going on Global Missions trips with Dr. McWhite and capturing images on those trips. He captured his first wedding as a wedding photographer for a couple on one of those trips, and he’s been capturing weddings across the country ever since. Evan would love to offer all NGU graduates 35% off any wedding photo package.

SCB Custom Craftings
Custom Picture Ornaments
Sierra Byars ’22 loves creating! Growing up she always wanted to be a fashion designer, but that dream faded. Sierra still loves everything about designing, just on a smaller scale and more personalized for individuals.
“Custom picture ornaments are done on wood slices and can be done in color for $15 or black and white for $10. Please see our business page on Facebook for ordering instructions.”

Custom Strandberg Guitar Pickguards
Mason Bayne ’15 was inspired to create custom guitar pickguards after unsuccessfully trying to find one for a Strandberg guitar. Each pickguard is cut using state-of-the-art 3d printing technology and then hand painted.