Planned Giving
Lasting. Impact.
Make Your Impact Live On
Some of the most impactful gifts come to the university through Legacy Giving. When you incorporate North Greenville University as part of your will or an insurance policy, you will be investing in an institution whose primary purpose is to prepare young Christians for service and leadership through a life-changing Christian education. Their lives will be shaped by your gift.
A legacy gift to North Greenville University is more than just a financial contribution. It’s part of a shared heritage and a belief that the things we do in this life has an eternal impact on the next. Your gift can initiate a lifetime of opportunities for our students – on into the next generations.
We thank you for your thoughtfulness to NGU and would be glad to provide you additional information as needed.
NGU has partnered with PhilanthroCorp to provide free estate stewardship consultation for our alumni and friends. This service carries no obligation and conversations and information shared between PhilanthroCorp and NGU alumni and friends are strictly confidential between those parties.

Prepare Your Legacy
A planned gift is a method to allocate some or all of your assets while living. A planned gift may be made during your lifetime or under your will. It might consist of cash, securities, personal property, real estate, trust plans, insurance policies or life estate retained. Ultimately, a planned gift ensures the future growth and stability of NGU.
Can I designate NGU as one of my beneficiaries?
Yes, you can select NGU as one of the recipients in your will, a life insurance policy, etc. Below are some traditional means of giving that you might consider. Please feel free to contact the Office of Development for more details and of course, consult your attorney or financial planner as appropriate.
- General Bequests: A sum of money, or a percentage of your estate, for NGU’s unrestricted use.
- Designated Bequests: Money to be used for a specific purpose at NGU (if this option is for you, please contact our office to discuss your wishes)
- Residuary Bequests: Money or property left over after specific bequests have been completed.
- Contingency Bequests: A gift to an alternate beneficiary in case your designated heirs have predeceased you.
- Memorial Fund: A gift to honor the memory of someone you admire.
- Life Insurance: A gift to NGU through purchasing a life insurance policy and listing North Greenville University as owner and beneficiary. An advantage of this type of gift are tax deductible premiums.
- Testamentary Trust: A trust fund that sets aside part of your estate to be managed for North Greenville University. This type of fund can provide a lifetime income for your beneficiaries. The principal goes to NGU after their deaths.
- Life Income Plans: These plans provide income now for you or a beneficiary. This option can save on taxes, while providing the university with working capital. Since there are several types, we can discuss further with you.
- Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust: A fixed dollar amount each year which goes to you or your beneficiary. After a stated period, the remainder passes to NGU.
- Charitable Remainder Untrust: Similar to an annuity trust, except a fixed percentage of the trust’s assets each year goes to you or your beneficiary.
- Gift Annuity: A contract between you and the university. A gift of cash or other assets makes you eligible for a partial tax deduction and a fixed income from the university for the rest of your life.
- Deferred Annuity: You make a gift to NGU and the university, in turn, pays an annuity to you or a beneficiary after a set period of time.
Who can I speak with for more Information?
The Office of Development is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding Legacy Giving. For information or to schedule an appointment, please contact, Marty O’Gwynn.