Brand Guidelines
What Are Brand Guidelines & Why Do We Have Them?
Have you ever noticed that our university’s logo looks the same on every sign, brochure, or website you see? That’s because we want to make sure that every communication piece represents our institution accurately and consistently. It also increases trust and loyalty to our target audience.
But how do we make sure that happens? That’s where brand guidelines take center stage.
Brand guidelines are a set of rules and recommendations that help us maintain a cohesive brand identity across all our communications and marketing materials. They ensure that our values, beliefs, and emotions are conveyed accurately and effectively to our target audience, whether it’s prospective students, current students, alumni, or the general public.
Uniformity is a key aspect of brand guidelines. By following these guidelines, we can ensure that every piece of communication, from our website to our brochures to our social media posts, looks and feels like it comes from the same place – our university.
On this webpage, you will learn about the importance of our university’s brand guidelines, the elements that make up our brand identity, and the guidelines we follow to maintain consistency in our communications. We hope this information will give you a better understanding of our university’s brand and how we represent ourselves to the world.
Branding Guidelines and Resources
These are NGU’s standard branding and style guidelines and materials, so you can stay on brand and support our mission.
North Greenville University Academic Horizontal Logo Download
Color Palette
Pantone® 186 Coated |
NGU Dark Gray
Pantone® 446 Coated |
NGU Blue
Pantone® 7703 Coated |
NGU Green
Pantone® 7490 Coated |
NGU Black Coated
RGB: 0 0 0 |